"Poor: When you have too much month at the end of your money."
Simple everyday items can have multiple uses. It is just a case of thinking "outside the box"
I save HEAPS of money holding on to things that most people would throw out.
Waste not want not.
Cardboard boxes
- Temporary roof tile (wrap a plastic bag around it and slide under other tiles)
- Protect fingers while hammering
- Garage floor drip pan
- Carry boxes for items sold in yard sale
- Load shopping into. (Way easier to unpack and great for cans)
- A no spill tray for breakfast in bed
- Product deliveries.Show products to customer without unpacking them and show you're environmentally friendly
- Storage of bathroom items in cupboards so you can fit more in. And pull them out like drawers.
Baby Formula tins
- Cash tins
- Seedling plant pots ( you can decorate)
- Door stop (just fill with sand )
- Desk caddy for pens pencils
- Store dead batteries for proper disposal
- Shed storage for nails, screws etc
- Drop sheet holder (fill with sand and place on corners of painting drop sheets)
- Craft
- Drums for children
- Wasp trap
- Drip irrigator for plants
- Freeze water inside and use as esky cooler
- Watering can for small or delicate plants ( poke holes in lid and fill with water)
- Scoop/Dustpan. Cut bottom off at an angle and leave lid on.
Baby clothes
- Swap them at swap shop for bigger sizes
- Sell them for cash
- Keep to give to a friend having a baby (you won't need to buy a present)
Brown Paper Bags
- Camping fire starter
- Keep bread fresh
- Car sickness ( add a couple of drops of peppermint oil inside and get sick person to inhale)
- School lunches
- Tighten loose screws
- Get rid of a wart
- Mend small holes in window flyscreens
- Stop a ladder getting worse in stockings
- Car scratches
- Clean a fish tank
- Strain paint
- TV duster cloth
- Clean pool
- Stop a rolling pin from sticking
Old Towels
- Cleaning rags
- Wash cloths (cut into smaller pieces)
- Mop cover
- Oven mitt
- Chair pad cover
- Dog toy (tie fat knots in it)
- Dry washed floors
- Draw string beach bag
- Washable dog blankets
- Cosmetics/personal hygiene are perfect for short trips
- Baby goods ( can never have enough for yourself or pop with gifts for a baby shower)
- Foodstuff eg coffee/snacks good for travel, in your handbag while at work
- Pet supplies because pets cost enough as it is
- Grease splatter protection. Poke a few holes in it and put over frypan
- Colander. Again a few holes and voila
- School projects/craft
- Re heating meals
- Bird scarers. Just attach some string and hang in fruit trees
- Pet food bowl
- Drip catcher under paint can
- Moat for pet food. Place petbowl in tray and fill tray halfway with water to prevent insects/ant getting into the food
- Knee pads for gardening
- Table protector mats for hot pots/serving crockery
- Floor protector. Pads to go under furniture to protect floors
- Drink coasters
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