Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Dealing with redundancy- potential to be broke again!

"Everyone wants your best, just don't let them take it away from you."

The mission to get this loan paid off has become even more important in the last couple of weeks as we received a letter that the company my partner works at to support us, had made everyone redundant. When we moved here, he was offered a minimum  two year contract only for it too be shutting down just after a year.

I think most people would panic. Especially with the kind of job he does, they are fairly competitive. I think he is starting to feel the pressure,  being only two months out from being unemployed. I am not. 

When we packed up our life a year ago my partner was still applying for jobs in South Australia and living with friends of ours in the Northern Territory and I had already moved down to stay with my mum while I waited for our new house to settle. In effect we had relocated without securing employment for him. 

Sounds ridiculous to some people possibly, but I had it in my head that things would just flow.

 I like to live like a cat. To have no other option than to fall on my feet. 

The week that my partner was down visiting me on his days off, he got a call from a local company to come in for an interview. The day he flew back  they called him to tell him he got the job and the week after our son was born he started his new job. The timing could not have been more perfect.

I think the same thing will happen this time. I only allow myself to manifest positive thoughts.
It's not just all positive thinking of course. That would be a little bit arrogant to just "believe" that a job will present itself. You still have to create a bit of your own luck to succeed. I do believe though that if you do everything within your power to find the answer to your problems it will reveal itself right when you need it.

 I look on the job seek sites every day to make sure that an opportunity is not missed. I send out expressions of interest and always write cover letters tailored to the job to help him stand out from other applicants. I am also entering competitions with cash or with prizes I can resell to make sure we have some savings in our bank account however big or little.

I think the biggest mistake people make is not to make things like this a team effort.
People lose their jobs all the time and there is this excuse of "my husband can't get work." and all the responsibility is left up to the husband to make the money and find new employment because the wife is caring for the children.
 It should be the responsibility of both of you to make it work. I know I would rather do a couple of shifts at a local supermarket while my partner watched our son if it meant putting food on the table or preventing him never being home because he is slogging our 80 hours a week at a backbreaking job. What kind of family life is that?

Do what you can to help.
  • Take a casual job
  • Get online and learn how to make money
  • Learn how to flip items for profit
  • Live Frugal
  • Enter competitions
  • Assist your partner in finding and applying for jobs
  • Be prepared to have them work away 
  • Find  yourself a side income

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